External auditor

Auditor's name: Deloitte & Touche CIS

INN: 7703097990

OGRN: 1027700425444

Address: 5 Lesnaya Street, 125047 Moscow

The auditor is the member of Self-Regulatory Organization Sodruzhestvo

The organization is located at: 21 Michurinsky Prospect, building 4, 119192 Moscow

Principal Number of Registration Entry: 12006020384.

Auditing Team:

  • Andrey Shvetsov, Lead Auditor;
  • Ekaterina Ponomarenko, Partner, Quality Control;
  • Anna Naydunova, Senior Audit Manager;
  • Natalia Kaprizina, Partner, Internal Control Audit;
  • Natalia Konakova, Senior Manager, Internal Control Audit;
  • Ekaterina Shelkova, Manager, Internal Control Audit;
  • Sergey Akimov, Manager, Internal Control Audit;
  • Aleksei Chagovets, Director, Valuation;
  • Willy Elizarov, Partner, Tax Audit;
  • Eldana Nusipakinova, Manager, Tax Audit.

The fee for the audit of the annual accounting (financial) statements of Moscow Exchange and of the consolidated statements of Moscow Exchange Group for 2019, as well as the review of the consolidated statements for 6M 2019 was RUB 15,207 thousand, including VAT.

Deloitte and Touche CIS rendered no other services to PJSC Moscow Exchange in 2019 beyond audit services.

External auditor selection procedure

Moscow Exchange selects its auditors every three years, as stipulated by the Regulations on the Auditor Selection Commission. The number of audit years by one organization normally does not exceed six years, or two consecutive auditor selection periods. The best candidate is chosen by the Auditor Selection Commission.

The auditor selection process is based on a review of technical and price characteristics of the bids and the selection of those providing the best terms for the audit of the financial (accounting) statements of Moscow Exchange and Group companies.

Based on its review of the bids, the Auditor Selection Commission determines the winning bid and recommends the candidate to the Supervisory Board's Audit Committee. In turn, the committee recommends that the Supervisory Board should propose to the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Exchange to approve the candidate as the auditor. The final decision on auditor selection is made by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.