Waste collection and disposal
At all of the Exchange’s premises, waste is collected and disposed of systematically as per the draft standards on Waste Generation and Disposal Limits. Waste is separated by type, hazard class and other characteristics to ensure proper collection, storage, transport and disposal.
In 2019, the Exchange significantly reduced the share of waste destined for landfill by increasing the share of processed and recycled waste accordingly.
The Exchange subscribes to modern waste recycling principles and is seeking to increase environmental awareness among all staff. Batteries are collected and disposed of at all MOEX Group offices, which are also equipped with waste sorting bins. The Exchange is reducing volumes of waste paper generated by introducing electronic document management.
Following the introduction of a set of tools to improve environmental efficiency in 2019, the volume of waste generated by the Exchange decreased by 9.5% by 2018. Most of this was low-risk or non-hazardous household waste (hazard classes IV and V).